At home, Paula becomes upset when Gregory tells her about the note and threatens to go to the Dalroys' alone. As the evening is about to start, however, the Dalroys receive a note from Gregory stating that Paula is too ill to attend. Sometime later, Brian and the Antons are invited to a piano concert at Lord and Lady Dalroy's. Soon after, Paula sees the lights dim and hears the overhead footsteps. Revealing that she has been hearing strange noises, Paula begs Gregory not to go, but he dismisses her fears and leaves. Gregory then tells Paula she is too sick to go out and prepares to leave for his studio. Although Paula pleads her innocence, Gregory finds the painting on the staircase, where it had ended up twice before, and contends that she moved it in a thoughtless daze. Paula's joy is cut short, however, when Gregory accuses her of absentmindedly removing a painting from the parlor wall. Paula is upset and confused by Gregory's manipulations, but forgives him as soon as he announces that he is taking her to the theater that night. Later, after Gregory accuses Paula of harboring an irrational mistrust of Nancy, Brian, posing as Miss Thwaites's nephew, tries to call on Paula, but is turned away on Gregory's orders. Convinced that Paula is in danger, Brian assigns Williams, a constable, to keep an eye on No. Made suspicious by Paula's odd behavior, Brian, a Scotland Yard detective, studies the police file on Alice's unsolved murder and learns that several foreign crown jewels, which had been given secretly to Alice by a royal admirer, disappeared on the night of the murder.

When Nancy Oliver, a saucy young maid hired by Gregory, asks Paula exactly where she is going, however, the increasingly insecure Paula retreats inside. At that moment, Brian sees Paula standing in her front door, apparently preparing to leave.

Two months later, Brian appears in Thornton Square and questions Paula's nosy neighbor, Miss Bessy Thwaites, about Paula. Later that night, after Gregory has left for his music studio, Paula sees the gaslights in her bedroom dim inexplicably and hears footsteps overhead. Once back at home, a contrite Paula confesses to Gregory that she lost the brooch, and he accuses her of being forgetful. Gregory is immediately suspicious of Brian, even though Paula insists that she has never met him. Then, while walking toward the Crown Jewels exhibit, Paula is greeted warmly by Brian Cameron, who had been a fan of Alice's and momentarily mistook Paula for her aunt. During the tour, however, Paula senses that the brooch is missing and becomes agitated. Paula, who has not strayed from the house or entertained any visitors since marrying, puts the brooch in her purse, dismissing Gregory's warning that she might lose it. Three months later, as they are about to leave for a much-anticipated Tower of London tour, Gregory presents Paula with his great-grandmother's brooch, but cautions her not to wear it until the clasp has been fixed.

When Paula reads Bauer's name out loud, Gregory angrily grabs the letter and silences her. Paula then finds a letter hidden in her aunt's sheet music, dated two days before her murder, in which the writer, Sergius Bauer, begs to see her aunt. 9, however, Paula's terrifying memories begin to resurface, so Gregory insists that all of her aunt's belongings be stored in the attic. As soon as they are back at long-deserted No. During their honeymoon in Lake Como, Gregory tells Paula that he has always dreamed of living in a fashionable London square, and anxious to please her husband, Paula suggests they move to her aunt's house in Thornton Square. Guardi encourages Paula to follow her heart, and consequently, she accepts the proposal of Gregory Anton, a pianist whom she has known for only two weeks. Ten years later, Paula confesses to her devoted voice teacher, Maestro Guardi, that she has finally put her past behind her and fallen in love. 9 Thornton Square, traumatized teenager Paula Alquist moves to Italy. After her aunt and guardian, Alice Alquist, a renowned opera singer, is strangled to death in their London home at No.